mardi 28 décembre 2010

Small Businesses Are Saving Money With VoIP

To the average small business, VoIP may seem like an esoteric technology that will be difficult to adopt. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

Company telephone equipment doesn't become obsolete. Although there are dedicated VoIP telephones, the system can be used with traditional telephones. The operation of the phone system is the same as a traditional system. Customers, vendors and other incoming callers dial the number just like they did before. They won't even realize the telephone system is changed. Outgoing calls also operate the same way and your staff won't need to learn new technology just to make a phone call.

The only thing you need to learn is how to take advantage of the new found freedom and flexibility the business voip phone system offers. The One Number Follow Me feature that you can specify who and when people could reach you at which phone number; The Voice Mail that sent to your cell phone so you can see it and listen to it at the right time; The Auto Attendant that directs the calls to the right person at different hour of the day; Employees working from home, even at different state, etc...

What Are The Downsides to VoIP?

There are few limitations to small business VoIP over traditional phone systems. The biggest concern is if your internet connection goes down you lose your phone service as well. And the internet connection may have lag that isn't noticeable in normal web surfing or downloading but makes back-and-forth conversations slow and frustrating.

To overcome the limitation, many business VoIP phone systems provide legacy phone ports so you can still connect a few traditional phone lines to the system. The system will automatically route the calls to the best available one according to the pre-configured rules. So when the internet connection is down, the phone service can still be available.

For businesses that can not afford to have a dedicated IT personnel to keep their network always at its best shape, many business VoIP phone systems again provide an alternative by using traditional phone network in house, and only using the Internet/network to provide VoIP service when it is necessary. - Like connecting VoIP service providers or employees work at home using IP extensions. So even the in house network connection is somehow affected by virus or malfunctioned equipment, the phone system can still function well.

Overall, small business VoIP has far more advantages than disadvantages and some experts predict it is only a matter of time until analog phone systems go the way of the rotary dial.

Criteria for Selecting a Small Business PBX Hosted VoIP Provider

Key Considerations; Key issues that should be considered when selecting a VoIP Provider.
1. Voice Quality & Reliability of Service
2. Hosted Service versus Premise Equipment
3. Types of Business VoIP Services
4. Pricing Considerations
5. Conclusion

Voice Quality & Reliability of Service

Voice over IP is a proven technology that has been deployed by many of the largest and most successful companies around the globe. The voice quality and reliability of service is now equivalent to traditional telephone systems. Almost all of the major telecom companies are currently offering VoIP service to their residential telephone customers.
Hosted VoIP PBX versus Premise VoIP installations
There are 2 ways to get Voice over IP;
1. Own the hardware and the software (Premises)
2. Lease the Services from a VoIP Service Provider (Hosted Service).
From a technology perspective, there should not be a difference in voice quality and reliability between Premises based VoIP service and a Hosted VoIP service assuming the 2 alternatives have comparable hardware, software and internet connections.
Generally, the cost associated with owning voice over IP equipment (Premise solution) is not economically justified until the number of users is well into the thousands. This is because the cost of implementing a Premises bases VoIP requires a significant amount of upfront capital and the commitment of at least 2 full-time IT staff to support the system.
The primary non-economic reason for Premises based VoIP solution is if your company has specific applications such as a CRM application that must be integrated with your VoIP system. Custom applications also require an additional commitment of staffing resources.
AVAD Technologies VoIP is a hosted solution. The software we use to run our service is licensed from Broadsoft. Broadsoft VoIP software was awarded the Frost & Sullivan 2006 VoIP technology of the year award. At the end of this paper is a page from VoIP magazine that discusses the award Broadsoft received for its VoIP software. If you Google “Broadsoft”, you will see many positive articles about Broadsoft’s VoIP software.
A hosted service frees you from the burden of managing the security of the location that houses your system. The hardware that runs AVAD Technologies VoIP service is housed in an ultra secure location located at 32 Ave of the Americas in New York City. Among the many security features of this location is a 7-day backup power supply along with a team of technicians that monitors the systems 24/7. Some of the Worlds largest telecom providers house their systems at this location. Verizon is one of the companies that use this facility.
If a major event were to occur at this location, our service will automatically switch, without interruption, to a redundant facility located in Virginia.
A hosted service also does not require the purchase or maintenance of VoIP hardware and software and is therefore easier and much less costly to implement. The IP telephone, and if needed, a specialized router that costs about $750.00 is the only hardware that is required to install AVAD Technologies Hosted VoIP phone system.
Types of Business VoIP Services

There are 2 types of VoIP services; Group Services and User Services.
Group Services are PBX features that allow you to control how calls are handled by your telephone system. Group Services gives you the ability to easily and with no additional hardware, customize how calls are routed to and from your organization.
The power of Group Services lies in its ability to unify your company’s telecommunication system under a single umbrella regardless of the physical location of your offices. Home Offices can even be incorporated into your telephone system.
The Auto-Attendant is an example of a Group Service. With a Voice over IP Auto-Attendant, calls can be automatically routed to any geographic location within your company. Calls can even be routed automatically transferred to a home office or a cell phone.
User Services are the Calling Features of your phone system that your employees can customize to meet the unique requirements of their position within your organization. Examples of User Services include voice mail and call forwarding.
Pricing Considerations
Most organizations are initially drawn to VoIP because of the savings that a VoIP system offers. After using the VoIP for a while, most companies realize that they can gain an additional return on investment from the increased productivity and improved customer satisfaction by taking advantage of the advance Group and User available with VoIP technology.

Pricing Comparison

A cost comparison between Service Providers can be a little tricky because each Service Provider has a different way of pricing their product. Hosted VoIP Service providers generally charge a monthly fee for each “service” they provide. In addition to the monthly cost for services, some VoIP Service Providers charge for the initial installation as well as for moves, add’s and changes to your system.
One of the biggest benefits of VoIP is that with the exception of the IP phones, all repairs to AVAD Technologies system can be done remotely and with very little effort or expense. AVAD Technologies does not charge for installation, moves, add’s or changes to your VoIP system.

Unless you plan to write custom applications and are prepared to invest a significant amount of up front and ongoing capital necessary to create and secure a VoIP platform, a Hosted VoIP Service is the preferred solution.
The decision criteria when selecting a Service Providers should include the following;
1. Is the Service Providers equipment housed in a secure location?
2. Are the Service Provider’s facilities redundant?
3. What type of software is being used?
4. Final pricing considerations should include cost of installation
5. The expertise of the Service Provider.
AVAD Technologies Business Class VoIP runs on Broadsoft platform software. According to industry experts, Broadsoft is one of the best, if not the best VoIP software available. Broadsoft’s customers include Verizon, AT&T, and Bellsouth.
AVAD uses state-of-the-art IP Phone Sets. Again, these are the leading manufacturers in the IP phone market place. AVAD Technologies pricing of its services and customer support is among the most aggressive in the industry. We specialize in working with customers to solve/improve their telecommunications. This is one of the key benefits of working with AVAD Technologies.
We designed our system using the best products available for each critical aspect of our platform. It is very important from a customer’s point of view that the Service Provider understands the customer’s business so that a customized VoIP solution can be constructed to address the customer’s individual needs.
With AVAD Technologies you get a first class system from end-to-end. All of the components of our system are top-of –the-line. The IP Phones, VoIP software, hardware, security, plus the service and support that AVAD provides are second to none.

VoIP Can Increase the Productivity of Your Business

Prior to the introduction of Voice over IP, businesses had few choices and were paying too much for traditional business phone services. In addition, many businesses are not convinced a Business VoIP Phone system is reliable. VoIP technology has matured to the point that allows us to deliver a comprehensive package of PBX features at a price even small businesses can afford.

Studies have shown that many business owners are not aware of the capabilities of a Business VoIP system. The study also revealed that many small and medium sized companies believed a VoIP telecommunications system would cost too much to purchase and manage.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  Business VoIP Phone systems offer a feature rich package of PBX functions without the need to purchase telecommunications hardware.  A Business VoIP Phone System allows businesses to choose and pay for only those PBX services they actually need.  Upgrading a Hosted VoIP Phone system is a simple process from a technical perspective and generally does not require additional telecommunications hardware.

Creating a multi-location system is no different then adding a phone in your current office location.  Hosted VoIP Phone systems simplify adding additional geographic locations, including home based employees.  New office locations can be added in any location that has a high speed internet connection

Virtual Assistants and Hosted VoIP

As the economic downturn continues to worsen, more companies are looking for ways to cut costs. A Virtual Assistant is an ideal way to increase productivity and allow companies to tap into talent in almost any geographical location.

A Hosted VoIP Telephone system allows companies cost effectively integrate Virtual Assistants. A Hosted Voice over IP phone system allows companies to tap into a talent pool of qualified individuals that is not geographically constrained.

The posted this article on the growing popularity of Virtual Assistants.

A Hosted VoIP solution from AVAD Technologies allows companies to bring Virtual Assistants and remotely located employees together under a single telecommunications system with almost no increase in expense. Companies can literally mail an IP Phone to a Virtual Assistant and that VA becomes part of the company's telephone system. The VA can have a local telephone number in your company's city even though he/she may physically located in a different city or even country.

Business VoIP Considerations

Most businesses move to Voice over IP (VoIP) on the belief that VoIP technology will save money over their current phone system. In many instances, this is simply not true. 

Traditional phone companies have responded to the VoIP challenge by lowering their rates.  With this being the case, what is it that explains why so many companies are moving to VoIP?

If the benefit of moving to a VoIP phone system is limited to just the cost savings, we would not expect to see so many companies adopting VoIP technology.

What is the Real Benefit of VoIP for Businesses

The real benefit companies gain from adopting VoIP technology comes from the increase in productivity, improvement in customer satisfaction and flexibility.

Productivity/Customer Satisfaction and Flexibility

VoIP, especially Hosted VoIP enables companies of all sizes in virtually any industry to increase productivity.  Because a Hosted VoIP phone system allows companies to incorporate workers in any geographical location, companies can expand their hours of operation without incurring overtime. 

For example, a company with a technical support department can have support staff on the east coast and the west coast.  This allows a company to have expanded hours of operation and not have to pay overtime since employees will be working during normal business hours.  This is a productivity gain because a company gets the same level of output without increasing costs.  It is also an increase in customer service since the company was able to increase the hours it can provide customer service (8:00 A. M. Est to 8:00 P.M. Pst).

Another obvious productivity/satisfaction gain comes from giving companies the ability to hire workers in any area that has a high speed internet connection.  Just because your company headquarters is in a high rent area, like New York, Chicago, Los Angles, does not mean you have to have your entire company at this location.

The JetBlue Example

JetBlue’s 500 reservations agents work out of their homes within a half-hour drive of the JetBlue Reservations Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Reservations Center has 100 seats for training new reservations agents and also houses the IT staff. JetBlue reservations agents connect to the host reservations system over the internet and use voice over IP (VoIP) connections to interact with customers. The IT staff supports reservations agents remotely by phone. And when the agents have a hardware problem that can’t be resolved over the phone or they need to upgrade the operating system or application, they take their removable hard disks to the Reservations Center to be reimaged or exchanged for new disks.

By using VoIP technology, JetBlue has tapped into a pool or talent that may not have been available had JetBlue required their reservation agents to work out of a central office location.  Another benefit to JetBlue from this strategy is the savings in overhead associated with leasing office space.  This expense completely goes away because JetBlue adopted VoIP technology.


VoIP, especially Hosted VoIP, offers company opportunities to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction and save money.  The flexibility to hire workers in any location and incorporate them into a company’s phone system is a game changer.  Companies are now freed from only having to draw talent from the local area surrounding the home office location and they are no longer to accept the higher rent space of a geographical area, just because it happens to be where there headquarters are located.

Business VoIP Considerations

Most businesses move to Voice over IP (VoIP) on the belief that VoIP technology will save money over their current phone system. In many instances, this is simply not true. 

Traditional phone companies have responded to the VoIP challenge by lowering their rates.  With this being the case, what is it that explains why so many companies are moving to VoIP?

If the benefit of moving to a VoIP phone system is limited to just the cost savings, we would not expect to see so many companies adopting VoIP technology.

What is the Real Benefit of VoIP for Businesses

The real benefit companies gain from adopting VoIP technology comes from the increase in productivity, improvement in customer satisfaction and flexibility.

Productivity/Customer Satisfaction and Flexibility

VoIP, especially Hosted VoIP enables companies of all sizes in virtually any industry to increase productivity.  Because a Hosted VoIP phone system allows companies to incorporate workers in any geographical location, companies can expand their hours of operation without incurring overtime. 

For example, a company with a technical support department can have support staff on the east coast and the west coast.  This allows a company to have expanded hours of operation and not have to pay overtime since employees will be working during normal business hours.  This is a productivity gain because a company gets the same level of output without increasing costs.  It is also an increase in customer service since the company was able to increase the hours it can provide customer service (8:00 A. M. Est to 8:00 P.M. Pst).

Another obvious productivity/satisfaction gain comes from giving companies the ability to hire workers in any area that has a high speed internet connection.  Just because your company headquarters is in a high rent area, like New York, Chicago, Los Angles, does not mean you have to have your entire company at this location.

The JetBlue Example

JetBlue’s 500 reservations agents work out of their homes within a half-hour drive of the JetBlue Reservations Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Reservations Center has 100 seats for training new reservations agents and also houses the IT staff. JetBlue reservations agents connect to the host reservations system over the internet and use voice over IP (VoIP) connections to interact with customers. The IT staff supports reservations agents remotely by phone. And when the agents have a hardware problem that can’t be resolved over the phone or they need to upgrade the operating system or application, they take their removable hard disks to the Reservations Center to be reimaged or exchanged for new disks.

By using VoIP technology, JetBlue has tapped into a pool or talent that may not have been available had JetBlue required their reservation agents to work out of a central office location.  Another benefit to JetBlue from this strategy is the savings in overhead associated with leasing office space.  This expense completely goes away because JetBlue adopted VoIP technology.


VoIP, especially Hosted VoIP, offers company opportunities to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction and save money.  The flexibility to hire workers in any location and incorporate them into a company’s phone system is a game changer.  Companies are now freed from only having to draw talent from the local area surrounding the home office location and they are no longer to accept the higher rent space of a geographical area, just because it happens to be where there headquarters are located.

11 for 2011: Trends We See in Communications

What's in store for the communications world in the year ahead? Here's one safe prediction: Users, both in the workplace and in their daily lives, are going to want more. More multimedia. Constant connectivity. Easier and richer collaboration. With those expectations as a backdrop, here are some marketplace and technology trends we believe will drive the industry in 2011:
1. Compliance catalyzes collaboration. Financial services reform in the United States has created stringent customer notification and regulatory compliance requirements. The robo-foreclosure scandal highlighted what can happen when organizational communications breaks down, resulting in poor customer treatment, rampant inefficiency, and public and government outcry. These are just two examples of how increased accountability demands will drive deployment of communications-enabled business processes that blend automation and human-to-human collaboration to clarify information and roles and reduce latency in both responses and decisions. New healthcare regulations could create another compliance hot spot in the near future.
2. Consumerizing the enterprise accelerates. The return of economic growth and hiring will bring more young people into the workforce who have been using social media and mobile technology from the time they climbed out of their cribs. They will arrive in the workplace equipped with their own devices, apps and expectations for how to communicate and collaborate. Organizations will find themselves competing to show that they are savvy and can provide the technology resources to attract and keep top talent from Gen X and Gen Y.
3. Social media morphs from add-on to integrated. In 2010 many organizations recognized the no-longer-deniable importance of social media and responded by creating dedicated teams and procedures to monitor and engage in social media communications. The next phase of social media evolution will be for organizations to integrate social channels into the broader business processes of their support and sales centers. Organizations will also try to cut through the noise permeating the social media landscape by creating and carrying out clear, comprehensive social media strategies.
4. SIP powers up small and medium enterprises. In the past several years, large businesses have begun to substantially reduce communications costs and complexity by unifying voice, data and video with Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) technology. But for small and mid-size enterprises, SIP's costs have outweighed its benefits. Today that's no longer the case. New Internet Protocol (IP) office systems are reaching the marketplace that extend the simplicity, flexibility and cost efficiency of SIP to smaller businesses, some of which will find new, creative ways to use this transformative technology.
5. Communications takes to the cloud. Cloud computing-based services for the enterprise are rapidly expanding beyond back-office processing and document management services to critical customer-facing business functions. Contact center operators will begin to capitalize on the efficiency and flexibility offered by software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) technologies.
6. Virtualization reshapes the desktopserver relationship. Virtual-server infrastructures are becoming commonplace in organizations today, making the allocating and provisioning of server resources transparent to end users. A newer trend--virtualization of the desktop--is now gaining traction as organizations recognize the cost benefits of centralizing software management, replacing hard-drive-equipped computers with thin-client terminals and shifting data storage to the cloud. We may not be far from the day when the only user-owned gear is a USB card and a Bluetooth headset.
7. Endpoints become consolidated. Many workers today have two cell phones, softphone clients on their desktop PC and laptop, and a handset and speakerphone on their desk. To combat device proliferation and the associated cost, organizations will push to have workers consolidate activity onto one or two pieces of gear, say a smartphone and laptop, or an all-in-one desktop device that combines video, voice, collaboration and PC functions.
8. User adoption trumps deployment. Every IT dollar is precious and needs to provide business value. Even the most promising technologies can fall short if people won't or can't use them. User adoption, not deployment, will become the dominant metric for IT implementations. Adoption should become a consideration at the outset of a project rather than a post-deployment afterthought, and user preparation should go beyond "train the trainers." Organizations can improve adoption by understanding users and segmenting them by the most important usage concepts and criteria.
9. User support and communications get a makeover. Companies are going to great lengths to improve customer support, adding social media channels, offering live chat, revving up response times and more. With so much focus on customers, though, users within the enterprise often get the short end of the stick when it comes to support. Companies will increasingly take the innovations they've brought to their customers back in house to support their users. Innovators will go beyond that--for example, using the IT help desk as a test bed for next-generation contact center concepts that will eventually be taken to customers.
10. Communications technology helps fill skills gaps. Some industries suffer from a lack of qualified personnel to fill key roles--for example, too few nurses to fulfill healthcare needs. Businesses will increasingly turn to communication and collaboration tools to improve staff productivity and overcome these shortages. Infrastructure, applications and devices that support worker mobility, collaboration and further automation of manual, time-consuming and non-value-added activities will take stronger hold in 2011.
11. Fit for purpose. For the past few years, enterprise deployment of collaboration technologies has been somewhat constrained by the size of the investment, some limitations in the interoperability of networks and devices, and user reluctance to learn or adopt the new capabilities. Those days are over. In the age of "fit for purpose," vendors have designed collaboration capabilities that really do bridge the gap by being easy for both users and the IT staff that supports them. Going forward, fit-for-purpose collaboration tools will be characterized by lower upfront investment, improved integration with existing networks and devices, and far greater simplicity of use. This evolution will change the trajectory of technology adoption as both expenses and user concerns drop dramatically.

La stratégie Cisco en 2011

Quelle est la stratégie CISCO pour l’année qui vient ?
Celle-ci se s’appuie sur 3 principaux domaines : la vidéo, le social networking et le cloud computing.
Vidéo :
J’étais hier chez Tandberg et il nous a été clairement annoncé que cette marque bien connue dans le domaines des solutions de visioconférence ou de téléprésence devrait s’effacer au cours des prochains mois pour être remplacé par Cisco. Comme souvent lors des rachats Cisco substitue son image à celle des entreprises absorbées.
Au niveau technique la solution Cisco basée sur des équipements de type CTS (écrans) CTMS (pont MCU) CUCM (intelligence) qui apparaissait comme sectorielle et difficile à faire inter fonctionner avec des équipements de visioconférence en s’enrichissant des produits Tandberg s’ouvre comme le montre cette image :

Grace à la mise en place d’un trunk SIP entre le CUCM et le VCS il devient possible de façon simple de connecter des utilisateurs individuels disposant d’une solution professionnelle (Movi) connectés sur Internet ou des salles de visioconférence.
Social Networking :
Conscient que les réseaux sociaux transforment le fonctionnement des entreprises. La solution Quad (enterprise social-networking system) met à disposition des utilisateurs une plateforme de service qui regroupe des outils de téléphonie et de communications unifiées ainsi que des outils du monde Web2.0.
A noter la possibilité de personnaliser son environnement qui lui a été pensé autour de 3 concepts : Personne/ communautés/information.
Ci-dessous une image qui présente ce nouveau concept :

Une video de demonstration

Cloud Computing :

Dans ce domaine deux stratégie sont possible : construire ses propres solutions et les mettre à disposition sur Internet c’est par exemple le cas pour WebEX ou s’allier à des opérateurs Telecoms ( Telcos) pour construire avec eux des solutions de téléphonie par exemple qui s’appuient sur des cloud privés. Cisco est actuellement présent dans les deux segments.

Cette stratégie posséde l’avantage de ménager les différents acteurs mais rend difficile l’interfonctionnement entre une solution cloud public et une cloud privé.

Que seront demains les Telcos des partenaires qui fournissent des liaisons MPLS ou uniquement des revendeurs de solutions CISCO en mode cloud ?

Pour en savoir plus :

Chanteuses et actrices arabes avant et apres la chirurgie esthetique

Chanteuses et actrices arabes avant et apres la chirurgie esthetique
Celebrities (Before & After) – video powered by Metacafe









Hanane TOURK

Cheveux gras : comment avoir des cheveux souples et soyeux?

Reconnaître un cuir chevelu gras :

Passez votre doigt sur votre cuir chevelu 3 jours après un shampooing. S'il devient gras et brillant, votre cuir chevelu est gras
Reconnaître des cheveux gras :
Si vos cheveux ont un aspect huileux et on tendance à coller au cuir chevelu, vos cheveux sont évidemment gras. Parfois, ce n'est pas aussi évident. Faites alors glisser vos doigts en serrant une fine mèche. S'ils ont tendance à devenir luisants, vos cheveux sont gras
Si vos cheveux sont gras, n'oubliez pas que c'est votre cuir chevelu qui est gras et graisse vos cheveux. Ce sont les glandes sébacées qui sont déréglées. Les causes peuvent être diverses : puberté, utilisation d'un sèche-cheveux trop chaud et trop fréquemment, frictions trop fortes lors des shampooings, état général (maladie, médicaments, stress, etc.)
Cheveux gras : comment avoir des cheveux souples et soyeux ?Entretien
Choisissez un shampooing spécifique, doux contenant des produits actifs qui régularisent le fonctionnement des glandes sébacées. Ils contiennent du soufre, cèdre, lanoline, acides aminés et des bactéricides ainsi qu'un antiseptique.
La fréquence des shampoings est de 2 à 3 par semaine.
Vous pouvez également faire des soins complémentaires avec une lotion anti-séborrhée. Elle s'applique raie par raie sur tout le cuir chevelu. Massez l'épiderme par pressions des doigts sans frotter la peau. Ce massage assouplit les tissus musculaires et active la circulation locale.
Fréquence : après chaque shampooing.
Vous pouvez également opter pour un traitement au henné. Sachez qu'il en existe quatre sortes : Neutre, Rouge, Naturel, Noir.
Si l'effet recherché vise uniquement le traitement anti-gras, il vous faut choisir impérativement le henné neutre. Comme vous l'aurez compris, les autres hennés modifient la couleur de la chevelure par reflets.
Le henné neutre présente l'avantage de ne pas changer la structure du cheveu. Vous pouvez faire une permanente après un traitement sans courir aucun risque.
Par contre attention au henné noir qui est chimique et contient du plomb. Il interdit la permanente car la réaction avec les produits frisants provoque la cassure du cheveu.
L'application se fait raie par raie. Etirez le produit sur les longueurs et laissez poser 1 heure. La fréquence est d'une application par mois
Techniques spécifiques ...
Certaines techniques ont une action sur les cheveux gras et sont souvent conseillées dans les salons de coiffure. C'est le cas notamment de la permanente, du décollement de racines, de la mini vague ou de la "souplesse".
Cheveux gras : comment avoir des cheveux souples et soyeux ?Le choix d'une de ces solutions ne règlera qu'en partie votre problème car schématiquement vos cheveux sont raides à la base. Leurs écailles sont donc serrées ce qui facilite l'écoulement du sébum sur leur longueur. Après une "souplesse" ou une permanente, les longueurs seront plus sèches car les produits auront ouvert les écailles ce qui empêchera le sébum de se répandre en glissant sur les cheveux. Par contre, au bout de quelques temps, vos cheveux recommenceront à se graisser.
Dans ce cas, continuez à utiliser votre shampooing spécifique pour cheveux gras, et appliquez sur les longueurs, un soin adapté aux cheveux permanentés, en évitant absolument les racines.

Maquillage et couleur des yeux

On se pose souvent la question suivante : Quel maquillage pour ma couleur des yeux ?
La réponse ne dépend pas seulement de votre couleur des yeux. Elle est aussi tributaire de votre teint, de la couleur de vos cheveux et de l’occasion pour laquelle vous vous maquillez.
Règle d’or, évitez le « total look » en maquillant les yeux verts aves des fards verts ! Jouez la carte de la complémentarité et misez sur les couleurs contrastantes.
A vos palettes !
Les fards servent à sculpter la forme des yeux et à intensifier le regard. Ayez la main légère avec votre pinceau. Mieux veut en mettre peu que trop.

  • Des Yeux noisette et marron : Réjouissez-vous ! Vous pouvez porter toutes les couleurs ou presque. Les couleurs qui vous vont à merveille sont : les bruns dorés ou caramel, les couleurs terres comme le rouge brique, les verts foncés ou les gris clairs. Le vert foncé fera ressortir le vert des yeux noisette.
  • Maquillage et couleurs des yeuxSi vous avez des yeux verts: le rouge et la couleur complémentaire du vert. Utilisez donc des fards dans les tons lilas ou prune. Conseil : Le gris-mauve vous donnera un regard de velours.Les bruns et marrons sont tout aussi excellent pour ressortir le vert de l’iris.
  • Pour les yeux bleus ou gris: le bleu et les gris sont classés dans la catégorie des tons « froids », or les femmes avec des yeux bleus ont une couleur de peau très claire, parfois laiteuse, sauf rares exceptions. Evitez donc le ton sur ton, qui donnera un aspect fade au visage et un effet « regard fatigué ». Le bleu clair est votre ennemi juré ! Les dégradés de bleu sont donc à éviter. Pour faire ressortir le bleu de vos yeux optez pour des couleurs chaudes et privilégiez les tons abricot, orangé et caramel.

Grace Deeb

Grace formed an English-singing band when she was at school, named "Strangers". After that she released a few singles and performed in weddings and piano bars. Her first appeared on TV in the well-known duet W In Kan Alayya ("If It Was For Me") in 2003 meaning with the Arabian singer Assi El Helani. After that, Grace collaborated with Jean-Jacques Goldman who named Grace as "Dalida of the Arabs" in the song that changed records and made her famous locally and internationally; Comme Toi and then Calling You, the former in French and Arabic and the latter in English and Arabic.
Immediately after that, Grace signed a 5-year contract with the most famous production company in the Arab world "Rotana Records". Her first album was released on the 23rd of August, 2004 entitled Ghannali El-Alam Kello ("The Whole World Sang To Me"). It enjoyed great success and only 20 days after it release, Grace was asked to go to Frankfurt to represent the Arab world along with the Egyptian singer Amr Diab in the Frankfurt Book Fair and sang 3 songs from the album; Ghannali, Wallah Bitmoun and Heya which inspired the audience and made a good buzz which made the organizors release a cd of all participants in the book fair including the 3 songs that Grace sang.
In 2005, Grace released a cover of the song Helwa Ya Balady by the late Dalida and reached number one spots over the charts.
The second album to be released was Ghinniyat Grace Deeb ... Aktar Min Gharam ("Grace Deeb's Songs ... More Than Love") on the 28th of February, 2006 and made great feedbacks all over the Arab world.
In 2006, Grace got named "Ambassador" of Kibarouna Association which takes care of old people.
The third album on the way was Ma Bteshbah Hada ("You Don't Look Like Anyone Else") on the 11th of June, 2008. This album was called the best-selling album by Grace Deeb. In 2009, Grace got named "Ambassador" of Anhar Al-Mahabba Foundation which takes care of people suffering from AIDS (HIV).
Grace works now on many humanitarian issues mentioning; Associations that take care of elderly people, Abortion, AIDS (HIV) and Breast Cancer.
Grace finished a demo cd containing 8 songs in 8 languages to use it in her concerts around the world but not to be released in stores and with the end of 2009, Grace surprised everyone with her decision of leaving her production company Rotana and now she is working on her own.
Grace's recent works is a Christian CD called "Grace Deeb Singing From The Tent Of Praise" which included You Raise Me Up which is a re-make of Josh Groban's song. She also recorded many other private singles for her, to name a few: Love Story, Je Suis Malade, That's The Way It Is, Perhaps, Magapy, Maria, Ya Habiby Ta'ala Elha'ni, Akher Eyyam El-Sayfiyeh and many others including a re-make of 3 songs from her 1st album but in different languages; "Chantons L'amour En Guitare" (Ghannali previously) -French, Arabic and English -, Hard On Me (Hiya previously) - English and Arabic -, Believe The Story (Mabrouk Aleiky previously) - English and Arabic -.

Haifa Wehbe arab star

Haïfa Mohamed Wehbe
question d'intérêt Haifa UNE chiite musulmane famille plus précisement du jnoub (sud du Liban) Ce Qui définit sa religion. Enfant, Elle aimait écouter de la musique et en particulier du jazz et R'n'B du. Elle mannequin DEVIENT jeune tres, intérêt et Élue, à l'âge de 16 ans, Miss Sud-Liban. Elle obtient la place à l'élection Deuxième de Miss Liban 95, Ce Qui Lui une permission de Profanateur verser de tells grands couturiers Québec Chanel, Dior, Gucci ous Encore Elie Saab et de compositeur DANS UNE Centaine de magazines.
also intérêt Haïfa l'égérie du bijoutier Cartier Dans Le Moyen-Orient. Haifa Wehbe une au centre de nombreux Été Scandales DANS Les Années 1990. Maïs session par coups médiatiques, Elle se cree image Tantot UNE Tantot appréciée choquante, Comme le font d'Autres célébrités Américaines. Including AVEC SA fille "Zineb", Elle n'avez pas un cache l'existence et perdu la garde, Ce Qui Lui une précieuse sa plus grande Baisse de popularité. Le fils généralement ATTRIBUÉS Succès à chansons session, MAIS also physique à fils. Bien qu'elle SOIT mannequin, Elle eu une Recours à la chirurgie esthétique: au particulier en Niveau de la poitrine et du (très répandue au Liban mode) nez. Ses opérations sont accentuées au Québec verser Moins d'Autres chanteuses Arabes, les Qualités Physiques n'avez contribuent Often de Manière à Determinante Leur notoriété, Travers au redingote de clips musicaux Chaleurs. Haifa Wehbe Reste à Ce jour chanteuse UNE Très connuer Dans Le Monde Arabe, SES Où sont les clips Très regardes par l'ensemble de la société arabe, en Égypte redingote Ou sur la comparer à Often rivales potentielles SES: Nancy Ajram et Elissa.
En 2005, Elle Deuxième album sorte fils, Aish Badi. En juillet 2005 à Participe Elle jeu de l'ONU de télé-réalité panarabe, version arabe UNE de La Ferme Célébrités. Ce Qui Lui Vaut BEAUCOUP de critiques, MAIS CE jeu Conforte sa popularité Dans Le Monde Arabe.
À la fin 2005, le nouveau Elle DEVIENT visage de Pepsi Dans Le Monde Arabe.
En 2006, une Elle Été Élue par le magazine, 49e femme la plus belle du monde.
le 25 juin 2007, cours d'Au tournage de l'ONU dans le clip Aéroport militaire de l'ONU Riak (vallée de la Bekaa) au Liban, Haïfa un hospitalisée Été d'Urgence l'après "avoir Été écrasée par le petit avion Qui devait la poursuivre verser les needs de la scène. Elle en indemne CEST sortie, uniquement quelques égratignures Itinéraires sur le visage et des maux de tête.
Haifa Wehbe une Epouse de l'homme d'affaires Égyptien Ahmad Abu Husheima le 24 avril 2009 à Beyrouth. Parmi les INVITÉS au mariage étaient présente Le Modèle de charme américain Carmen Electra, la chanteuse Anastacia, Nawal Zoghby, Najwa Karam, Ragheb Alama, Ahlam, Sherine.
Grâce à sa popularité au Moyen-Orient et DANS le monde, Elle a l'Opportunité de signataire des contrats PEU partout des Nations Unies: en Effet en 2008, Elle signed contract une non juteux AVEC le constructeur automobile italien Lamborghini. Elle posséde Alors 8 Lamborghini Gallardo assorties à la couleur de chaussures session.

Haïfa un remporté Murex d'Or de l'ONU, Dans l'Émission Qui porte le nom same, en 2009. Elle Été une Élue Meilleure artiste de l'Année.

How to Earn Money From Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a large internet encyclopedia where individuals can read information on all sort of subjects: ancient civilizations and politics, hiking, engineering, extreme sports, famous people, UFOs, medicines and drugs, animals, mega cities and anything you can imagine.
One of the best things about Wikipedia is that average people like you and me can add and edit the information that is published on the web site and also add pertinent links and resources.
As you can guess, clever people can use Wikipedia to send traffic and clients to their sites and also to build backlinks in order to improve their search engine rankings.
In order to start capitalising on Wikipedia these are the steps you want to follow:
1: Find wikipedia pages that are pertinent to your niche
For example, if you've a web site about learning to play the piano you're going to discover a lot of Wikipedia pages which are relevant to music and arts; if your site is about traveling to china you'll find several Wikipedia pages which are relevant travel and china.
2: Now you need to explore each of the pages you've found and find out if you are able to add your own resources and links. This is the hardest part since it's not simple to get by Wikipedia moderators. As you can guess, you must add great quality information. If you choose to post spam you and your IP address will most likely be banned from the web site.
3: Become active in Wikipedia
If you just edit Wikipedia articles to add your own business and links, the moderating squad will most likely block your IP address and cancel your account for spamming the website. The best method to avoid this trouble is to get active in the community. For example, you can edit and add information to pages that are not related to your business. If you edit a large amount of pages and add worthy information, in all likelihood your self-serving edits won't be detected.

How Wikipedia Can Make Money

Wikipedia is a free to use, free to edit online encyclopedia. This is a not-for-profit organization and so does not make money commercially from the website. The website is wholly made by the readers,since anybody can edit the pages. Though vandalism has been an issue, it has been minor considering the fact that thanks to sensible additions, Wikipedia today has millions of pages catering to almost all possible topics in more than 123 languages. This has made it the primary reference to the readers who search the internet for information.
This article discusses some possible ways by which Wikipedia can probably try to monetize. Managing such a large website is not only a Himalayan task for the organization, but also a moral responsibility as the selfless work of millions of its users have also gone into it.
The first possible avenue is what most webmasters naturally take; that of advertisements. Wikipedia could possibly take the services of Google to let its advertisers to display their advertisements on Wikipedia. Wikipedia could certainly be considered a special publisher since the Adwords campaigns could certainly expect an increase in the bid amounts for clicks. This is because, Wikipedia easily outnumbers most of the Adsense publishers in the number of impressions that their webpages receive.Hence the advertisers would certainly relish their advertisements being shown on Wikipedia.
Wikipedia can discard this idea if it feels showing advertisements can feel the users less satisfied.
The second possible avenue is analog publishing. Just like Encyclopedia Brittanica, Wikipedia can expect to publish their collections in a book format. Wikipedia content keeps changing massively with every passing day. So, publishing yearly editions could also help Wikipedia fanatics to keep track of how much their site has grown through the period.
One issue that can pop up with this avenue is that users might feel their hardwork is being used for profit by a select few at the helm. Wikipedia can resolve this by counting the value of the contributors by the number of hits their new page has garnered, or how the relevancy of their edition on an existing page is treated in the discussions page. Wikipedia certainly has great people to devise a method, should such an idea be infact mooted.
The third is a modification of its existing Donation method. Wikipedia can use the donations rather as an investment. And this be used by Wikipedia to build the site and monetize through the other methods. And the donators be fittingly rewarded by a corresponding percentage through which the site has infact grown. Say, the 'donator' contributes $100. And Wikipedia makes a 20 percent growth. Pay 15 percent dividend to the 'donator'. Let Wikipedia keep the remaining 5 percent to itself. This will keep everyone in the circle happy.
All being said and done, Wikipedia has done amazingly well in its growth as a free non-profit website. Those who first mooted the idea would be happy to remain so. This article was only for the lesser human beings like you and me.